FAST FRIDAY FOR FIRSTBORNS FRIDAY 6TH MAY 2022 THEME:  LEAD MY FIRSTBORN BY YOUR SPIRIT O LORD TEXT: Romans 8:14 “For as many as are led by the Spirit of GOD, these are the sons of GOD.”

Happy new month beloved parent-intercessors. I trust we’ve all had a great week so far. Indeed, our GOD is good and He is worthy of our praises! The first working week in the new month is done and we give GOD all the praise for the results we have been able to achieve in it howbeit small or huge. Halleluyah!

Its another Fast Friday today, the first in the month of May, it is a time of blessing, gratitude, fasting and prayers for our first-borns, and we shall be doing the needful.

Today, our prayer is that our firstborns and by extension our other children in all their endeavours, activities, thoughts, words, interactions, and in all they do will be led by the Spirit of GOD.

To be led by the Spirit of GOD is to surrender to the headship, Lordship and leadership of the Holy Spirit. It is our children being followers of the Holy Spirit of GOD in all their doings. The Holy Spirit is teacher and advocate amidst other things, He knows all things and how joyful and precise our children’s lives will be if they yield and cede their lives to Him. Men and Women who wrote the scriptures were inspired and led by the Spirit of GOD. Many actions that men and women took were as a result of the leading they received from the Spirit of GOD. Many examples are rife in the bible; Abraham leaving his home and family to follow GOD, Noah, building the Ark, JESUS going on a 40Day fast, the woman with the issue of blood seeking out JESUS and receiving her miracle, etc. In all these examples, we see people living their daily lives yet following the promptings of GOD, heeding His will. This is our desire and prayer for our children today, that they will follow the leading of the Father’s Spirit per time.

Let us therefore meditate on the following scriptures as we offer up today’s request to the LORD:

John 16:13 “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on his own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.”

Father, send Your Spirit of truth into my children’s lives. Let them be guided always by the Spirit of truth. Amen.

John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”

Father, send the Helper, the Holy Spirit into my children’s lives. By Your Spirit, may my children be taught. By Your Spirit, may all these teachings come into the remembrance of my children when they need it as they navigate their lives.

Galatians 5:16 “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Father, cause my children to walk by the Spirit always. Let their Spirit man be taught by and be subject to the leadings of the Spirit. Help them not to gratify the desires of the flesh. Let their Spirit man be above and their flesh subject to it.

To our duty posts beloved parents. May our children be Spirit-controlled and live Spirit-filled and Spirit-controlled lives all their days. May their Spirit-man be alive and override always their flesh and its cravings. May they be led by the Spirit of GOD all their days Amen.

See you at the fast breaking meeting by 6pm WAT. Remember your direct log in link to the Zoom Meeting Room is bit.ly/FastFridayFirstbornPrayers.

I love and honour you! Blessings.